One-On-One Consultation

a3 One-on-One consultation service offers in-depth live critique experience to researchers who are working towards publication. Typically, we ask the authors to provide a sample of their manuscript along with background, goals, and specifics on your manuscript(s). We also offer such advanced services to manuscript already edited by a3 Editing or Translation services to provide additional insights and provide more personal feedback and answer content specific questions.

What We Do!

a3 ensures that the highest level of professionalism is maintained during the consultation period. During the sessions, we will provide you trained specialist who will provide feedback on your writing style, content flow, readability, and suggest lingual and formatting processes that can elevate the quality of your manuscript. These formatting processes may range anywhere between artwork suggestions to a general overhaul to the contextual flow of the technical content within the manuscript.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.